As a research project, it focuses on the material and temporal conditions of migrant settlements and as spatial thresholds; on agro-industrial ghettos and fugitive or marooned inhabitations, thereby interrogating their production and reproduction across different ecologies, geographies and discursive formations.
As a collective investigation, it allows a diverse and heterogeneous group of researchers to experiment with methodologies (historical and narrative explorations; design and art-based speculations; photography and cartography; activist and situated practices) and to share interests, avenues of research, political preoccupations and trajectories regarding local political activism.
As a possibility, it serves as an infrastructure to observe and engage with a variety of politics of transformation that impact frontier territories of the Black Mediterranean, landscapes of energy transition, neo-colonial ecologies and geographies where space and race are continuously reconfigured through securitarian control and governmental management and erasure.
Inappropriable is a research, a collective investigation and a condition of possibility which sets out to interrogate practices of inhabitation, infrastructures of life, of marronage and fugitive worldling, focusing on labour ecologies in territories of migration: frontiers where bodies, spaces and labour are reconfigured through extractive and plantation-like capitalist processes of accumulation, dispossession and exclusion.