Farmhouses around Orta Nova, Foggia


41.381°N, 15.760°E (Shot on: 19/09/2024)
41.424°N, 15.762°E (Shot on: 19/09/2024)
41.415°N, 15.596°E (Shot on: 19/09/2024)
41.413°N, 15.767°E (Shot on: 18/06/2024)
41.377°N, 15.615°E (Shot on: 19/09/2024)
41.424°N, 15.762°E (Shot on: 19/09/2024)
41.371°N, 15.750°E (Shot on: 18/06/2024)

Author:  Richard Lee Peragine, Stefano Mastromarino, Manuel Grimaldi

Farmhouse, Emptiness, Abandonment

Period: September 2024
Place: Provincia di Foggia; Orta Nova

Camp Form(s); REFRAME.
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Inappropriable is a research, a collective investigation and a condition of possibility which sets out to interrogate practices of inhabitation, infrastructures of life, of marronage and fugitive worldling, focusing on labour ecologies in territories of migration: frontiers where bodies, spaces and labour are reconfigured through extractive and plantation-like capitalist processes of accumulation, dispossession and exclusion.